At Rivendell we believe that all knowledge is unified and that every subject has relevance for every other subject. Practically, this means that subjects are not taught in isolation but rather in constant conversation with one another. Works of literature are understood in their historical or cultural context, and the prevalent religious and philosophical ideas of their time must be understood in that context as well. Even math and science, while typically having a more formal character, were not drafted in a vacuum, but were themselves historical and philosophical events. A Rivendell education recognizes this interconnectedness and, whenever possible, interdisciplinary study will be emphasized through the use of integral thematic units. This educational approach also eliminates the need for a “Bible” or “worldview” class. A student’s entire time at Rivendell will be a study in Biblical worldview, with an emphasis on exploring God’s world at all times and in all disciplines.
"I love that at Rivendell subjects were never taught in isolation, but always making connections; for example, writing poetry while studying about World War I."
- Raquel, Rivendell Alumna
"When I was young, everyone had to be a craftsman because we did unit projects. That's what I miss in high school . . . I want to be a craftsman again."
- Robert, Rivendell Alumnus