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  • Interested in Rivendell for your children? You're invited to come for a school tour and to our Information Night, Nov. 21.

  • Always Check in

    When you arrive for your parent duty, come to the main entrance on Kensington Street and check in at the Office.

  • Intercessors

    Our Intercessors meet regularly on Wednesdays, 9-10 am, to pray for our children and our community.  All parents are welcome to join. Please contact Janey Smith for details. 

  • Parent Text Alert

    We have a text alert system for parents. If there is an urgent need to reach parents in our community, we will send a text alert. Please be sure your cell phone information is up to date in our ParentsWeb so we can reach you. To update, log into ParentsWeb, go to Web Forms, then Update Contact Information. Click on each parent's Custodial Parent Form, and update your phone number. If you choose to OPT OUT of the text alert system, scroll to the Parent Alert:cell phone option and select "no".

    Note this is not for regular contact of individual parents, nor is it a way for you to text the school. If you need to reach the school or a teacher, be sure to use the Office phone number, 703-532-1200, or send an email. If school is closed due to inclement weather, please follow our usual procedure and check Arlington County Public Schools for closures or check our website.

  • Enter Your Parent Hours

    If you need help logging hours, use the link on our Parents page. 

    If you’re looking for ways to help, check out the Core Hours sign-ups or ask a teacher.

  • Carpool Matters

    Be sure to avoid blocking driveways and intersections during afternoon pick-up. This is courteous to our neighbors and required by Arlington County Code. 

    If you are looking for a carpool, take a look at the map of our families linked on our Parents page. And always, drive carefully in the neighborhood. We want to be good neighbors.

  • Handbook & Directory

    Need to learn or refresh your memory of our school practices and guidelines? Find our Handbook online on our Parents page. Need to know the phone number, address, or email address of a fellow parent? Directory information may be accessed anytime on our FACTS Family Portal.

  • Driving for Field Trips

    Because parents are able to drive on field trips, we are able to take many more trips than if we rented buses. However, our insurance requires that each year every parent driver must submit a copy of his or her current DMV record, and a copy of his or her driver’s license and insurance information. Steps for accessing the VA DMV website are posted under “Other Forms” on the Parents page of our website.

    Prepare now by collecting the needed items and turning them in to the Office. If you’re driving on a field trip, submit your documents at least 3 days prior to the scheduled field trip.

    Please also note that our insurance carrier does not allow parents to drive children (other than their own) on field trips if their driving record does not meet our insurance requirements. If your record does not allow you to drive, you are still welcome to ride along as a chaperone for field trips. We cannot make exceptions for parents to drive if we do not have their up-to-date information, or if their driving record does not meet our insurance carrier’s requirements. Receipts for parking and tolls may be submitted to teachers for reimbursement. Thank you for driving our children as they explore God’s world.